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We Wrote a Book!
You can buy your copy of Jesus & Justice now!

Jesus & Justice could be just the encouragement you are looking for.

Here's why:

We bring together 26 authors from across the UK, writing about their lived experience of seeking Jesus and justice in their communities. Some you will know; we have new stories from Steve Chalke, Anthony Reddie, Anji Barker...and others you should know. They speak honestly, from the heart, in accessible stories. This is not a heavy theological book trying to have the last word. It's a moving collection of 'first word' stories to encourage you.

We have grouped our authors' stories around verses from the beautiful vision of Shalom in Isaiah 65:17-23. We'll explore eco-justice, poverty and placemaking, housing, migration, economics, youth deprivation and criminal justice. We've added 5 dialogues from leading British theologians and experienced activists. These appear in summary at the end of every section. You can view longer 20 min recordings of these dialogues FREE on our website. Go back one page and choose which theme you'd like from the drop down menu.

So, whichever theme you start with, you can listen to our musings and use them to spark conversations in your own church or community. Our book will inspire you with what is possible when a Jesus-centred faith is at the heart of activism.

UK shipping address? Use PayPal? You can order your copy directly from us, avoiding Amazon and saving your postage costs. We''l post it directly to you. Use the QR code below or this link

Or order online in paperback or Kindle order from Amazon/

Our Blog has photos and write ups from the Jesus & Justice UK tour in 2024 and we've more events planned for 2025

You can also send a donation via our Giving Page leave your adress and ask to receive a copy in response

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